5 May

5 May 2023, 2247hrs, Full moon cold source measurements

the moon is not lit up by the sun, it is a plasma!

5 May measurementsπŸ”—


M-x table-insertπŸ”—

|moonlight|#    |moonshade|
|         |1    |  9.1    |
|    -18.2|4    |         |
|         |flip |         |
|         |8    |  7.9    |
|         |9    |  6.8    |
|  -19.1  |10   |         |
|  -20.7  |12   |         |
|-2.3?    |17   |  -2.3?  |
|  -22.7! |18   |         |
|   -20.5  |20   |         |

LIVE measurementsπŸ”—

Here's a video of the measurements done:


BlueSky FanClub

πŸ’―πŸŽ― definitely not a reflector!

1 day ago | [YT] | 0