30 Aug I

85% - 78% full moon.

πŸŒ– 85-78%πŸŒ–

Still Plasma

| out     | # |			 
| -doors  |   |			 
|  -1.6          |1  |			 
|    0.0         |2  |			 
|   -0.3         |3  |			 
|       6.3      |4  |
|   -1.7         |5  |			 
|   -0.1         |6  |

|  shed |   # |			 
| SHADE |     |			 
|  19.7   | 7 |			 
|  19.2   | 8 |			 
|   "     | 9 |			 
|   19.4  | 10|			 

;repeat @ground    repeat @ground     repeat @ground  #2

| out     | # |			 
| -doors  |   |			 
|  -1.5          |11 |
|	-1.2		 |12 |
|	-0.9 		 |13 |
|       0.1      |14 |
|   -0.4         |15 |
|   -1.3         |16 |


LIVE measurementsπŸ”—

Here's a video of the measurements done:

Instance is no longer blocked by YouTube πŸ₯³

Instance is no longer blocked by YouTube πŸ₯³

<!-- <video controls width="848">
	 <source src="" type="video/webm">

	 <source src="RCB75qwyH6U.mp4" type="video/mp4">

	 Download the
	 <a href="">WEBM</a>
	 <a href="RCB75qwyH6U.mp4">MP4</a>
	 </video><!-- https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/HTML/Element/video -->

<!-- <blockquote cite='https://invidious.baczek.me/channel/UCcXEQRU_W-PpXKBCVEB1ZjA'
	 >Once again,stating on the  30th August, that this beautiful  Moon, <strong>
	 <em>that is behind those clouds</em>
	 </strong> is not lit up by the Sun, <mark>it is a plasma!</mark></blockquote> -->
Once again,prooving on the 30th August, that this beautiful Moon is not lit up by the Sun, it is a plasma!

it is a plasma!, cheers!!!



Have a lovely weekend ❀

4 weeks ago | [inv] | 3


I admire you kept doing this πŸ˜‚ I mean it's becoming very proofed at this point, and it does make your method better and what you're claiming (even if it was incorrect, which it is'nt) is observable by anyone by the way!

3 hours ago | [inv] | 0

BlueSky FanClub

Congratulations FlatRocky, I see you’ve earned your first troll! You must be doing something right! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

2 weeks ago | [inv] | 1