18 May 2023, 2358hrs, 7 Deg. NO moon clear skies, measuring cold source. NO moon clear skies, measuring cold source.
the moon is not lit up by the sun, it is a plasma!
+---------+-----+---------+ |no?moonlight|# |shedSHADE| +---------+-----+---------+ | |1 | 2.4 | +---------+-----+---------+ | |2 | 3.5 | +---------+-----+---------+ | |3 |3.3 | +---------+-----+---------+ | |outside | | +---------+-----+---------+ | -21.9 |4 | | +---------+-----+---------+ | -23.5 |5 | | +---------+-----+---------+
Here's a video of the measurements done:
the moon is not lit up by the sun, it is a plasma!